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Stands for Sale by Murewa District Council
Stands for Sale by Murewa District Council

Recently Murewa District Council caused a scare on social media when they posted a message warning owners of various stands in Macheke and Murehwa that their stands were about to be repossessed for the violation of offer and lease agreements. In all the ensuing chaos and panic most people noticed another message in that notice: Murehwa District Council is selling stands in both Macheke and Murehwa.

First, let us talk about threatened repossession. According to the Murehwa Council, the stands listed in the documents are residential stands in Macheke and include stands in Damwiew, Mutamba Phase 1 and Mutamba Phase 2 suburbs. In Murehwa the stands that might be repossessed include stands near Musami Business Centre, Mapako and Murewa Medium density suburbs. The Council did not explain why these stands were under threat of repossession, opting only to reveal that they were in violation of offer and lease agreements

It is likely because the stand owners have not been paying rates to the council or servicing the stands in a way the council finds satisfactory. It is important to note that when you buy a stand from rural councils they come with certain terms and conditions that you have to adhere to. They are not very different from urban stands in that regard. Thankfully the stands can only be repossessed after the owners have been given every opportunity to get in touch with the council to resolve the matter. In the notice sent out by Murehwa Council stand owners had 14 days to get in touch with the council.

Now to the good news, the Murehwa District Council is also selling stands in Murewa and Macheke. The notice specifically mentioned stands in an area called Solar Farm stands. It is important to note that the Murewa District Council does have other stands for sale in addition to the mentioned Solar farms. You can buy stands through Propertybook by searching for Stands in Murewa or by getting in touch directly with the Murewa District Council using the following details:

  • The Chief Executive Officer: Murewa Rural District Council P Bag 601 Murewa

  • Tel: 06521 22241

  • Landline Toll-Free: 08084331

Make sure you only get in touch with the official council or use registered agents such as the ones listed on Propertybook. Scammers are often on the prowl looking to scam would-be-stand buyers. You have been warned!

Some months ago we wrote about the advantages of buying a stand on rural district council land. This is an opportunity to do just that.