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Get email alerts on new properties for sale in Lobengula
The price of Houses for sale in Lobengula can vary greatly between USD 38,000 to USD 38,000 with a median of USD 38,000 depending on various factors which include the size, age, and condition of the property. We would recommend a refined search for specific Houses for sale in Lobengula to get a better understanding of the particular costs.
There are 84 Houses for sale in Bulawayo High-Density currently, with prices ranging from USD 10,000 to USD 150,000. The median price for Houses for sale in Bulawayo High-Density is USD 28,000. For specific prices on Houses for sale in Bulawayo High-Density one can use our filters to make better price comparisons.
Bulawayo has a wide range of Houses to suit different needs. Prices differ depending with suburb and area, however the range of prices for Houses for sale in Bulawayo is between USD 10,000 and USD 1,950,000. Houses for sale in Bulawayo have a median price of USD 125,000.
Propertybook currently has 1 Houses for sale in Lobengula. Listings are updated regularly to ensure buyers get the latest Houses for sale in Lobengula. If one is interested in a particular House for sale in Lobengula, we recommend that they contact the listing agent for more information.
There are currently 84 Houses for sale in Bulawayo High-Density. We recommend browsing through the Propertybook Website to get a better understanding of the Houses for sale in Bulawayo High-Density. Each property has different features which also need to be taken into consideration when buying Houses.
Bulawayo currently has 521 Houses listed for sale. The number of Houses for sale can vary depending with each specific neighbourhood. Talking to one of our listed real estate agencies is a great way to start when trying to understand current market conditions and what to expect in each neighbourhood. Experienced agents will offer sound advice regarding Houses for sale in Bulawayo.