Spitzkop is an emerging residential and commercial Harare area strategically mixing residential stands, commercial properties, and agricultural land.
The Spitzkop Shopping Centre, serves as the hub for daily conveniences, hosting essential facilities.
While still in its development phase, Spitzkop has significant residential and commercial potential.
Spitzkop offers a developing suburban lifestyle with a focus on spacious living and investment potential. The area caters to those seeking a balance between residential comfort and commercial opportunities. With its mix of land options and growing infrastructure, residents enjoy the benefits of a neighbourhood in transition, offering the chance to be part of an emerging community while maintaining easy access to essential amenities.
Family life in Spitzkop centers around its developing infrastructure and community facilities, with a growing number of amenities catering to daily needs and family activities:
Educational facilities in Spitzkop are developing to meet the needs of the growing community, with options for various age groups and learning preferences:
The neighbourhood offers a growing selection of activities and amenities for residents and visitors alike:
There are currently 23 properties for sale in Spitzkop on Propertybook. Our prices range from around USD 10,000 to as high as USD 2,800,000. This variation is influenced by factors such as property type, size, age, and condition. For a more accurate understanding of the costs, we recommend using a refined search for specific properties in Spitzkop. This will help you get a clearer picture of the pricing based on your preferences and needs.
Current Prices
There are currently 0 properties available for rent in Spitzkop. Rental prices in the area typically range from USD to USD , depending on factors such as property size, condition, and other considerations. For a more accurate picture, we recommend using a refined search for specific properties in Spitzkop on Propertybook. This will help you get a clearer picture of the pricing based on your preferences and needs.
Current Prices
* These prices are current and reflective of Propertybooks' database. For individual pricing, view our listings pages