St. Martins is a well-established neighbourhood in Harare home of St. Martin’s Convent Primary School.
Located near Arcadia, it offers easy access to Harare’s main thoroughfares while maintaining a quieter residential character.
It features predominantly single-family homes and essential amenities including schools, fitness facilities and shopping centres.
There are currently 3 properties for sale in St. Martins on Propertybook. Our prices range from around USD 80,000 to as high as USD 90,000. This variation is influenced by factors such as property type, size, age, and condition. For a more accurate understanding of the costs, we recommend using a refined search for specific properties in St. Martins. This will help you get a clearer picture of the pricing based on your preferences and needs.
Current Prices
There are currently 0 properties available for rent in St. Martins. Rental prices in the area typically range from USD to USD , depending on factors such as property size, condition, and other considerations. For a more accurate picture, we recommend using a refined search for specific properties in St. Martins on Propertybook. This will help you get a clearer picture of the pricing based on your preferences and needs.
Current Prices
* These prices are current and reflective of Propertybooks' database. For individual pricing, view our listings pages